The Driver Middle School Parent/Teacher Association's mission is to support and speak on behalf of children, and to encourage parent, teacher and public involvement at Driver Middle School. The PTA is a valuable connection between your children, their school, and all of you as parents, relatives, or members of the Marcellus community. Please join us in our mission!
The PTA sponsors and supports many events throughout the year. Without their assistance some events would be difficult to manage or implement. Please consider joining the PTA to offer your support and assistance even if it is only for one event during the year. Events include: Effort and Citizenship Breakfasts, Book Fairs, picnics, field trips, Goofy Basketball, Bingo, and many others. All members of the community are invited and encouraged to become a member and help us in our mission at Driver Middle School. We meet regularly. Our meeting dates are posted below as well as on the District calendar.
We need your interest, your ideas, your time, and your support!
Follow our PTA on Facebook at the following link. Please note: The site you are about to visit is outside the MCS domain. MCSD takes no responsibility for this site.
Click here to go to the DMS PTA Facebook page. You may contact the PTA at the email address:
Meeting Dates for the year are on the school calendar. Typically the meetings are every other month on the second Tuesday.
All meetings begin at 6:30 p.m.
DMS PTA Calendar
Contact Us!
Suzi Kick
Stacie Eriksson
Sara Boronczy